Fee Report-Insightful Fee Reporting

Monitor Financial Data with Our School ERP

Defaulter List:

This report provides a comprehensive view of students or parents who have defaulted on fee payments within a specified period. It includes details such as names, admission numbers, outstanding amounts, payment due dates, and any applicable penalties or reminders. This report helps in identifying delinquent accounts, managing follow-up actions for fee collection, and maintaining financial discipline within the institution.

Concession Report:

The concession report presents an overview of fee concessions granted to students based on predefined criteria such as merit, financial need, or special circumstances. It includes information about the types of concessions, percentage or amount waived, beneficiaries, and approval details. This report assists in tracking and evaluating the impact of fee concessions on revenue, student welfare, and institutional policies.

Ledger View:

The ledger view report provides a detailed financial overview, including income, expenses, and transactions related to various accounts within the institution. It includes information such as account balances, transaction dates, descriptions, and account codes, enabling thorough financial analysis and auditing processes.

Yearly Due Received Report:

This report displays information about the dues received from students over the course of a year. It includes details such as fee payments, outstanding dues, payment dates, and any penalties or waivers applied, providing a clear overview of financial transactions related to student fees.

Fees Received Report:

The fees received report offers insights into the total fees collected by the institution within a specific period. It includes details such as fee categories, payment methods, collections by class or section, receipts issued, and reconciliation with accounts. This report is crucial for financial analysis, budgeting, and monitoring fee collection trends to ensure financial stability and accountability.

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